Golf Ireland, the GUI and ILGU recently confirmed that the World Handicap System will come into effect in Ireland from 2nd November, replacing the current Unified Handicapping System (CONGU).
The World Handicap System, the rollout of which commenced in January, unifies six different handicapping systems into a single system and will:
- enable golfers of different abilities to play and compete on a fair and equal basis, in any format, on any course, anywhere around the world;
- be easy to understand and implement, without sacrificing accuracy; and
- meet the varied needs and expectations of golfers, golf clubs and golf authorities all around the world and be adaptable to suit all golfing cultures.
Following the transition to the WHS, all Handicap Index calculations will be consistent for all players, making a Handicap Index directly comparable to all other players around the world.
Over the coming six weeks, an education campaign will begin to help golfers in Ireland learn and adapt to the new handicap system. This will be undertaken through the Golfnet website and on social media.